Saturday, April 11, 2009


Last weekend Claude and Rebekah came and spent the weekend with us. We had a great time. Saturday morning we went to Parkers Maple Barn for breakfast. Saturday evening Mom and Dad kept the kids for us and the four of us went to a Japanese Steakhouse where they cook in front of you. That was fun. Sunday afternoon Brad and Shelley came over and stayed for supper along with Claude and Rebekah. It was a great weekend, lots of eating and laughing. Thanks for coming!! (These are all Claude and Rebekah's pictures-we didn't have our camera with us)

Paxton woofing down his breakfast
Hmm....which way should we go?
The two kids
Saturday night at the Japanese Restaurant

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

Thanks again - always a great time! Claude is hungry for another Parker Special ;)